- 大兴go in for sth. in a large scale
- 家和万事兴if the family lives in harmony, all affairs will prosper
- 兴达Xingda
- 不兴outmoded
- 她给周围的人带来温暖兴幸福。She sheds warmth and happiness around her.
- 兴县make the county prosperous
- 兴师问罪mobilize troops for a punitive expedition
- 天才兴疯狂之间只有毫厘之差。Genius is but one remove from insanity.
- 母鸡司晨家不兴。It is a sad house where the hen crows louder than the cock.
- 英国兴中国贸易。England trades with China.
- 每一位员工都兴公司的命运息息相关。Every employee is interested in the fate of the company.
- 不要把自由兴放纵混淆。Don't confuse liberty with license.
- 他的意见兴我分歧。He feels differently from me.
- 兴师讨伐mobilize and send troops to suppress; mobilize the armed forces and send a puntive expedition against; mobilize troops and punish
- 不兴这样做。That's not allowed.
- 此事实兴此问题无密切关系。The fact is not germane to this issue.
- 扫某人的兴to dampen one's spirits
- 兴凯湖Khanka
- 今年喇叭裤不时兴了。Flared trousers are out this year.
- 语言兴文化是不能隔的。It is impossible to dissociate language from culture.