- 双反中有两种步法模式。一种是关闭式或者叫中性站位,另一种是现代开放式站位。There are two footwork patterns for the two-handed backhand. The first one is the closed or neutral stance and the second is the modern open stance.
- 关闭式监所closed penal institution
- 关闭式装置close system
- 嵌入式flush bonding
- 关闭式座舱closed cockpit; enclosed cockpit
- 过去式preterite
- 半关闭式装置semi-closed system
- 半关闭式计算站semi-closed shop
- 式的fashioned
- 移动式mobile
- 美式American
- 式中wherein
- 合式befit
- 关闭式螺旋弹簧closed coil spring
- 美式英语American English
- 嵌入式系统embedded system
- 日式Japanese
- 单式simplex
- 巴洛克式barpque
- 菜式cuisine