- 保持党的旺盛生命力的关键在于坚持党的宗旨The Key of Keeping the Exuberant Vitality Of The Communist Party of China Lies in the Upholding of the Party's Purpose
- 她的可贵之处在于坚持真理。Her finest quality lies in upholding the truth.
- 坚持persistence
- 成大事不在于力量的大小,而在于坚持A major strength is not the size, and to uphold
- 成败的关键在于能否坚持到底。The difference between success and failure consists in perseverance.
- 在于consist
- 不努力谁都不能成功。成功者成功的秘诀就在于坚持。No one succeeds without effort. Those who succeed owe their success to their perseverance.
- 产业竞争中取得优势的关键在于人。People are the key to finding a competitive edge in industry.
- 贯彻"三个代表"重要思想的本质要求在于坚持执政为民The Implementation of the Important Thought of the "Three Represents" is, in Essence, to Exercise the State Power in the Interest of the People
- 建立音乐学术道德规范的关键在于综合治理相关学术环境Comprehensive Administer Academic Circumstance Is the Key to Establish Musical Academic Moral Norm
- 抗日,大家赞成,这件事已经做了,问题只在于坚持。Armed resistance to Japan,which we all support,is already being carried out,and the question now is only one of persevering in it.
- 关键在于党的领导。The key to our success lies in the Party leadership.
- 从根本上说,网络道德建设取得实效的关键在于实现道德内化。Fundamentally said that, the network moral reconstruction obtains the actual effect the key to lie in the realization morals.
- 关键在于改造犯人。The emphasis is on reformation of the offender.
- 治疗关节炎,关键在于活络通痹。The key to the cure of arthritis is to activate energy to flow in the channels and collaterals and treat arthralgiasyndrome.
- 发展的关键在于稳定。the key to development is economic integration.
- 关键在于意识的成熟与否;The key is if the consciousness was maturate;
- 关键在于控制土壤里的碱分。The key problem is how to overcome alkali in the soil.
- 大陆新武侠关键在于创新The Key of the Mainland New Knight-errant Fiction Lies in the Innovation
- 一个演员成功的关键在于他是否有个性。The key to an entertainer's success is personality.