- 关西Northwest
- 尼斯Nice
- 关西沟Guanxigou
- 尼斯湖水怪Nessie
- 关西诸卫military fortress west of Jiayu Pass
- 潮关西沟Chaoguan West Ditch
- 詹妮佛多出受伤(断了8根肋骨、一处胸骨断裂、腰部擦伤),杰瑞右臂骨折,下巴和眼眶受伤。Jennifer suffered multiple injuries (eight broken ribs, a broken sternum, a bruised kidney), and Jerry fractured his right arm, jaw and eye socket.
- 关西地区Cuanxi area
- 把西瓜切成8块后平分。Divide the water melon in eight and share it equally.
- 杰伊jay
- 关西电力Kansai Electric Power
- 她的歌唱事业始于8岁。Her professional career began at the ripe old age of 8.
- 阿迪杰河Adige
- 阿堪尼斯特arcanist
- 关西词痴谁人识Who Knows Mr Moon's Poem--Detestation of the World and its Ways
- 宁为人杰称雄一日,不做弱者碌碌一世。Better is a cock for a day than a hen for a year.
- 2除8等于4。Eight divided by two is four.
- 2乘以4得8。Two times four is eight.
- 快溜,杰德,警察来了!Cheese it, Jed, the cops!
- 日本关西电力公司Kansai Electric Power Co.