- 边缘brink
- 边缘的marginal
- 她用扇子打他的手指关节。She rapped him over the knuckles with her fan.
- 在边缘on the edge of
- 边缘人marginal man
- 他伸屈膝关节使自己放松一下。He stretched and flexed his knees to relax himself.
- 边缘检测edge detection
- 他关节疼痛。There were aches in his joints.
- 边缘学科interdisciplinary subject
- 肘关节上臂与前臂之间的关节或胳膊弯曲处The joint or bend of the arm between the forearm and the upper arm.
- 这两块骨头由关节铰链般连接起来。The two bones are articulated like a hinge.
- 球从他的球拍边缘一擦而过。The ball glanced off the edge of his bat.
- 受伤后骨的关节不如从前连接的好。After the injury the bones did not articulate as well as before.
- 形势接近于灾难的边缘。The situation verged on disaster.
- 蹄关节coffin joint
- 城市边缘的新建房屋犹如雨后春笋。New houses have mushroomed on the edge of the town.
- 腕,腕关节手和前臂之间的关节The joint between the hand and the forearm.
- 这条路位于一个公园边缘。The road verges on a park.
- 他打呵欠打得下巴关节脱了臼。He yawned his jaws out of joint.
- 这条小径濒临断崖的边缘。The path verges on the edge of a precipice.