- 第二十七条进口配额管理部门应当在每年9月15日至10月14日公布下一年度的关税配额总量。Article27 The administrative departments of import quotas shall publicize the total amount of quotas for the next year between September15 and October14 of each year.
- 进口配额管理部门可以根据需要对年度配额总量进行调整,并在实施前21天予以公布。The administrative departments of import quotas may, where it is necessary, make adjustments to the total amount of the year and promulgate it at 21 days prior to its implementation.
- 第十三条对实行配额管理的限制进口货物,进口配额管理部门应当在每年7月31日前公布下一年度进口配额总量。Article13 For the goods limited in importation that are under the administration of quotas, the administrative departments of import quotas shall promulgate the total amount of import quotas for the next year at no later than July31 of each year.
- 关税配额和附加税Tariff quotas and surcharges
- 总量gross
- 第三十八条对实行配额管理的限制出口货物,出口配额管理部门应当在每年10月31日前公布下一年度出口配额总量。Article38 For the goods limited in exportation that are under the administration of quotas, the administrative departments of export quotas shall promulgate the total amount of export quotas for the next year at no later than October31 of each year.
- 实行关税配额管理的进口货物,依照本章第四节的规定执行。When importing the goods subject to the administration of quotas in customs tariffs, the provisions of Section IV of the present Chapter shall be followed.
- 配额quota
- 政府打算降低进口汽车的关税。The government is going to lower the tariff on imported cars.
- 第二十八条关税配额可以按照对所有申请统一办理的方式分配。The tariff quotas may be allocated according to the principle of uniform handling of all applications.
- 进口货物日后出口时将退还其进口关税。A drawback is made on customs duties on imported goods when they are later exported.
- 对重要的进口商品征收高额关税是保护国内工业的方法。Placing high tariffs on important goods is a method to protect domestic industries.
- 关税配额customs quota
- 总量控制overall control
- 高的关税抑制了国与国之间的贸易。High tariffs throttle trade between countries.
- 贸易总量total volume of trade
- 高关税抑制国与国之间的贸易。High tariffs throttle down the trade between the nations.
- 全球关税配额global tariff quota
- 保水总量gross water retention
- 对关税问题持观望态度straddle on the tariff issue