- 事件通知者有如下的职责:注册事件关注者注销事件关注者通知事件关注者The notifier has the following responsibilities: registering subscribers unregistering subscribers notifying subscribers
- 者-ist, -er (person)
- 关注follow (an issue) closely
- 注销使得该关注者被标记为未注册。当下一次进行消息通知的时候,该关注者会被删除掉。Unregistration involves flagging the subscriber for unregistration. The next time notification occurs, the subscriber will be removed from the map.
- 回答者responder
- 需要理解的是,我们假设的情况是这样的:用户指示输入任务单元结束,然后输入任务单元同步通知所有的事件关注者结束,然后发送结束信号使得主线程结束。To understand, consider the following scenario: The user has instructed input to die; input synchronously notifies all subscribers to die and signals our main thread to die.
- 守望者watcher
- 发布者promulgator
- 原子弹受到普遍的关注。The atom bomb is of catholic concern.
- 提供者provider
- 关注度attention rate
- 开发者developer
- 开始关注turn one's attention to
- 反对者dissenter
- 密切关注pay close attention to
- 步行者pedestrian
- 此事将引起我们的全部关注。The matter will be given our exclusive attention.
- 操作者operator
- 关注点attention; concern
- 被调查者informant