- 麦克斯威尔小姐的声音非常大,压过了鸡尾宴上任何人的交谈声。Miss Maxwell's voice pealed out over the cocktail party chatter.
- 开机/关机Turns the projector ON/OFF
- 汤姆在大宴上吃得不能再吃了。Tom was filled to satiety by the big dinner.
- 因为没有任何进行中的关机过程,所以无法中断系统关机。Unable to abort the system shutdown because no shutdown was in progress.
- 宴客banquet
- 系统正在关机。A system shutdown is in progress.
- 我去参加公司联欢宴。I go and join the company dinner bash.
- 我只记得我关机时间是4点但我忘了在什么时候开的机了。I only remembered that I logged off at 4 o'clock. But I forgot the time when I logged on.
- 伴宴人员escort
- 软关机soft off
- "欢宴, 宴乐"wag beards
- 提前关机early shutting down
- 举行宴[晚]会give [hold] a dinner [an evening] party
- 该机器太热时会自动关机。The machine shouts off automatically if it gets too hot.
- 爱宴饮交际的人convivialist
- 关机方法shutoff approach
- 为这顿龙虾宴我花去五十元。I blew fifty dollars on the lobster dinner.
- 关机运动"Turning off TV Movement"
- 宾客饮宴直至深夜。The guests banqueted until midnight.
- 按此键关机。"Power off key: When this key is depressed, the calculator is turned off."