- 乌鸦crow
- 关岛Guam
- 天下乌鸦一般黑evil people are bad the world over
- 乌鸦的corvine
- 那家度假村叫什么名字?下个月我去关岛时千万不要住到那儿。What was the name of the resort? I'll make sure to avoid it when I go to Guam next month.
- 在关岛住一夜行吗?Is it all right to stay a night at Guam ?
- 乌鸦啄出了那头死羊的眼睛。The crow pecked out the eyes of the dead sheep.
- 约翰逊总统曾在关岛主持一次重要会议,整个会议按华盛顿时间进行。President Johnson once conducted an important meeting in Guam and kept the entire proceedings at Washington DC time.
- 喂饱的乌鸦,啄你的眼睛。Nourish a raven and he will scratch out your eyes.
- 关岛问题Question of Guam
- 乌鸦呱呱叫预报灾难。The crow croaked disaster.
- 关岛的Guamanian
- 乌鸦2Crow: City of Angels, The
- 关岛人Guamanian
- 乌鸦在树上呱呱叫着。The raven cawed on the tree.
- 关岛标准时Guam standard time
- [天文]乌鸦座corvus
- 美国大陆航空来回香港至塞班(经关岛)经济客位机票乙张Roundtrip economy class air ticket from Hong Kong to Saipan (via Guam) on Continental Airlines
- 乌鸦叫。A crow caws/craoks.
- 关岛位于香港东南1,823英里,旧金山西南5,053英里。Guam is located about 1, 823 miles southeast of Hongkong and 5, 053 miles southwest of San Francisco.