- 中心heart
- 研究中心research center
- 中心的nuclear
- 被囚禁在关塔那摩湾监狱中犯人有老有少Detainees Being Held at Guantanamo Bay Range From the Very Old to the Very Young
- 购物中心shopping center
- 拘押(arrest and) take into custody
- 网络中心hub
- 控制中心control center
- 这个经理因受贿罪名被拘押。The manager was taken into custody on the charge of bribery.
- 商业中心business center
- 被告已被拘押。The accused man has been put under restraint.
- 娱乐中心recreation
- 拘押狱中locked in a jail
- 中心思想clou
- 贸易中心entrepot
- 中心点pivot
- 在中心centrally
- 指挥中心command center
- 培训中心training centre
- 服务中心service centre