- 座驾car
- 引进澳洲总理级座驾-通用汽车霍顿(Holden)公司Statesman/ Caprice房车平台所生产的高档行政级轿车。It is a high-end executive sedan made using the same car-making platform employed by GM Holden to produce Statesman/-Caprice, which is the car for the Australia Prime Minister.
- 座to sit
- 明星和他们的车是怎样的呢?除了漂亮的身材和脸蛋之外,一台热辣的座驾似乎是好莱坞大腕们不可或缺的装备。What is it with stars and their cars? After a cute toy boy or babe, a hot set of wheels seems to be the mandatory accessory for Hollywood hotshots.
- 驾to drive
- 白羊座Aries
- 展厅顶部的射灯放射着肃穆的光芒,投射在高高座驾上飞利浦二世的全身铠甲上,其胯下战马盔甲为查理五世的珍藏。A spotlight from the ceiling concentrates its solemn beam on a suit of full-length armor of Phillip II, which sits highly on the back of the horse armor of Charles V.
- 射手座sagittarius
- 水瓶座aquarius
- 自驾游self-driving travel
- 双鱼座piscis
- 自驾self-driving
- 摩羯座Capricornus
- 处女座virgo
- 三驾马车troika
- 巨蟹座cancer
- 腾云驾雾feek giddy
- 王座throne
- 轴承座shaft block
- 驾船sail