- 利益的共享a communion of interests
- 他是单车修理工。He is a bicycle doctor.
- 骑单车的人bicycler
- 请选择共享文件夹。Please select a shared folder.
- 绝对不要玩命,表演像放手骑单车的特技。Never again pull a stunt like riding a bicycle no hands.
- 共享仓库:Shared Repository:
- 参加者应懂得基本驾驶单车技术,能掌握上斜和落斜之技术。Participants should have basic cycling knowledge and ensure that they can control the bicycles properly during uphill and downhill.
- 伪共享false sharing
- 贼把我的单车偷走了。The thief got away with my bike.
- 社区投资共享基金。Community Investment and Inclusion Fund
- 单车rigid truck
- 共享度Extent of sharing
- 共享型shared
- 踏单车ride a bicycle
- 单车道one-lane
- 共享栈shared stack
- 共享RAMsharing RAM
- 电单车scooter
- 共享率sharing rate
- 最好还是耐心等候车辆再开动,或下车用手推著单车前进。Here it is often better to wait for the traffic to move, or get off and wheel the cycle along.