- 六号6th day of the month
- 六个six
- 六级CET-6
- 六人six
- 六角sexangular
- 四胞胎之一quadruplet
- 六岁six
- 他妻子生了三胞胎.His wife gave birth to triplets.
- 一个三胞胎睡在其两个同胞之间。A triplet sleeps amongst its two siblings.
- 六的senary
- 五胞胎救治Quintuplet remedy
- 六角形hexagon
- 三胞胎中的一个One of three children born at one birth.
- 内六角扳手inner hexagon spanner
- 马丽生了三胞胎。Mary gave a birth to triplets.
- 六面体hexahedron
- 你是三胞胎的爸爸。You are the father of triplets.
- 六角螺母hexagon(al) nut
- 多胞胎量词运用刍议Brief discussion about the use of multiple classifier measure word
- 六方会谈the Six-Party Talks