- 时间是最公正的法官。Time is the fairest judge.
- 法官判决小偷有罪。The judge found the thief guilty.
- 公正的法官/观察员an unbiased judge/observer
- 公正的fair-and-square
- 中立国﹑ 公正的法官﹑ 公正的评价a neutral country, judge, assessment
- 法官知道可使罪行减轻的情况,你肯定会得到公正的判决。The judge is aware of the extenuating circumstances and you'll definitely be given a fair hearing.
- 不公正的inequitable
- 上诉法院的法官撤销了对他们的判决.They had their sentence quashed by the appeal court judge.
- 这个主题太复杂,我无法只通过简略的研究就对它做出公正的评价The subject is so complex that I cannot do justice to it in a brief survey.
- 听到佣人们在他们富有的雇主家中所受到的不公正的待遇,令我愤愤不平。It made my gorge rise to hear how servants were treated in the house of their wealthy employers.
- 慈悲的法官a compassionate judge
- 评判员必须发表公正的意见。A judge must give an objective opinion.
- 一个优秀的法官不会作武断的判决。A good judge does not make arbitrary decisions.
- 只因为莫尔不能为自己辨护,米尔便乘机攻击他,这是不公正的。It was unfair for Mill to attack More just because the latter could not answer( him) back.
- 她是个冷酷的法官。She is an inhumane judge.
- 这确实是一个公正的决定。This is really a candid decision.
- "他被真正的罪犯所诬陷,结果成了罪恶与不公正的牺牲品。"He was framed by the real criminals and became the victim of the evil and injustice.
- 一位好的法官不但必须考虑抽象的"正义",而且要考虑案件的全部事实。A good judge must consider all the facts of a case as well as the abstraction" justice".
- 公正的判决/法律/社会a just decision/law/society
- 腐败的法官没有听审就驳回了这个案子。The corrupt judge dismissed the case without a hearing.