- 名垂竹帛leave a name in history; write one's name large in the country's annals; One's name is preserved on bamboo tablets and silk,
- 功垂竹帛One's deeds will live forever in history; be recorded in history in letters of gold
- 公垂距离minimum distance
- 因公on business
- 垂名竹帛names handed down in history forever
- 资本公积contributed surplus
- 垂nearly
- 竹帛ancient books; bamboo slips and silk
- 公吨metric ton
- 船公ferryman
- 书于竹帛:中国古代的文字记录Written on Bamboo and Silk: The Beginnings of Chinese Books
- 家公the father-in-law
- 垂头丧气look crest-fallen
- 公称nominal
- 垂下to hang down
- 公积surplus
- 公派sent by the state; be sent by the unit to which one belongs
- 公出be away on official business
- 垂帘听政attend to state affairs
- 公猪boar