- 公司的帐目需要清理.The firm's accounts need to is set in order.
- 公司的帐目需要清理。The firm's accounts need to be set in order.
- 这家公司的帐目收支是否平衡?Do the firm's accounts balance?
- 公司的账目需要清理。The firm's accounts need to be set in order.
- 在这种情况下,公司的帐目不一定能真实公平地反映公司的状况,更甚的是有时是刻意这样做。The consequence is that accounts may not necessarily reflect a true and fair view of the state of a company, and in the worst case deliberately so.
- 他因涂改公司的帐目而入狱。He went to prison for juggling his firm's accounts.
- 帐目score
- 整个公司都需要清理,因此他从最艰难的方面着手,从管理机构开始清理。The whole company needed sorting out so he dived in at the deep end and started with the management structure.
- 公司于去年渡过难关,现在公司的帐面上利润相当可观。The firm turned the corner last year and their present balance sheet is showing a very fair profit.
- 该损益帐目表明子上次资产负债表以来已经发生的变动。The profit and loss account show the movements which have take place since the last balance sheet.
- 已结算清的帐目a settled account
- 因篡改公司的帐册而声名狼藉会计师disreputable accountants who were paid to cook the firm's books.
- 转帐款与同一帐目相关的转到新的栏目、页或册的一笔款项A sum transferred to a new column, page, or book relating to the same account.
- 因篡改公司的帐册而声名狼藉的会计师disreputable accountants who were paid to cook the firm's books
- 在他的帐目上没有出什么大差错。There's not so much amiss with his accounts.
- 发现该公司的帐薄中到处都有不正当的地方found the firm's books riddled with irregularities.
- 请结付这笔长期拖久的帐目,勿再拖延。Please settle this long outstanding account without further delay.
- 请您将票款记在G.E.M公司的帐下,并将票寄给我们。Kindly charge to G. E. M and forward tickets by return mail.
- 请把你的帐目或明细帐目交给我。Please send me your account or a detailed account.
- 如何将其它美国证券公司的帐户转移到史考特证券?How do I transfer my account from another company to Scottrade?