- 瑞典式全身按摩Swedish Full Body Massage
- 这是香薰治疗始于足浴、然后依次为有必要清洗身体放松全身按摩、修脸、如果你选择继续身体美学灌木。This treatment begins with an aromatherapy footbath, then an essential body wash followed by a relaxing body massage and a refresher facial, continued with your choice of esthetic body scrubs.
- 我要做个全身按摩。R: Anyways I'd like a whole-body massage. Let's review how to say that in Chinese.
- 香熏全身按摩及面部护理Aromatherapy Full Body Massage with Facial
- 您要全身按摩吗,先生?Do you like a body massage, sir?
- 他们用精油来做全身按摩。They use essential oil in the body massage.
- 全身按摩通常要花1个小时。It usually takes one hour for a body massage.
- 要再来次全身按摩么,海盗女王?PirateC: Another sensual massage, Pirate Queen?
- 那位骑士全身披挂盔甲。The knight was completely clad in armor.
- 你有没有按摩?Did you get a massage?
- 累时进行全身按摩感觉良好。A thorough massage feels good when you are tired.
- 我走长路后觉得全身发僵。I felt stiff after a long walk.
- 瑞典式全身按摩全身磨砂加按摩Body Scrub with Full Body Massage
- 按摩(推拿)治疗To treat by means of a massage.
- 心脏将血液压送到全身。The heart pumps blood round the body.
- 按摩博士SUI-TANG:erudite for massage
- 在公共和私人房间也提供足底按摩和全身按摩,当然也得另外收费。Massages on offer include foot massage, full-body massage, either in public or in private rooms for an extra fee.
- 全身喷满香水drench oneself in perfume
- 后背按摩a back rub
- 全身跳入水中plunge overhead into the water