- 入禀控告To file a petition in accusation
- 已发出破产呈请或入禀清盘的个案;Cases where bankruptcy winding-up petitions have already been issued;
- 对于该项适用于把案件入禀终审法院的内地人的裁决,香港特区政府从未尝试也不会尝试推翻。There has not been - nor will there be - any attempt to overturn the judgments as they apply to the Mainland people who brought their case before the CFA.
- 入住be opened for occupancy
- 买入buying
- 登入log in
- 放入interpose
- 接入switch-in
- 吸入to breathe in
- 入股become a shareholder
- 计入reckon in
- 四舍五入round
- 移入naturalization
- 植入embedded
- 代入substituting
- 置入posting
- 汇入afflux
- 记入registry
- 淡入fade in