- 克雷塔罗州谢拉格达的圣芳济会传教场所Franciscan Missions in the Sierra Gorda of Queretaro
- 传染限值跨越两个行政区(青尼罗州的Guli和卡萨拉州的Wad el Heleu)。The epidemic threshold has been crossed in two administrative units (Guli in Blue Nile State and Wad el Heleu in Kassala State).
- 迅雷sudden peal of thunder
- 塔tower
- 1853年乔治.克雷建造第一架滑翔器,德国的利林塔尔研发出第一架载人滑翔器。"Early experimenters in glider flight included George Cayley, who Built the first man-carrying glider in 1853."
- 跨越南海,位于婆罗州岛上的东马来西亚与印尼及汶莱为邻,只包括两个州与一个联邦直辖区。Across the South China Sea, East Malaysia on Borneo Island borders Indonesia and Brunei, and consists of just two states and one federal territory.
- “我是诺亚?克雷坡尔先生,”那少年说,你得听我的。”"I'm Mister Noah Claypole," said the boy,"and you're under me."
- 截至2007年12月19日,白尼罗州、森纳尔州、Gazeera州和尼罗河州通报的人间裂谷热病例总计601起,包括211例死亡。As of 19 December 2007, a total of 601 human RVF cases, including 211 deaths, have been reported from White Nile, Sennar, Gazeera and River Nile States.
- 塔罗甲糖,塔洛甲糖,6-去氧塔罗糖Talomethylose
- 克雷伯菌Klebsiella
- 铜绿假单胞菌,大肠埃希菌,克雷伯菌属及真菌是主要致病菌。Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae and fungi were the main pathogens.
- 塔罗哌克胶囊tyropaque caps(含tyropanoate sodium)<诊断用药>
- 肺炎克雷伯菌耐药性变迁与抗菌药物用量变化的相关性分析Correlation Between Yearly Quantity Variations of Clinical Prescription of Antibacterial Drugs and Resistance of Klebsiella pneumoniae
- 克雷奥鲁棉Creoulo cotton
- 克雷格假金Craig gold
- 克雷伯菌属Klebsiella
- 克雷伯杆菌Klebsiella penumonia
- “我是诺亚·克雷坡尔先生,”那少年说,你得听我的。”"I'm Mister Noah Claypole," said the charity-boy," and you're under me."
- 医院感染患者分离的大肠埃希菌及肺炎克雷伯菌耐药趋势分析Changing pattern of antimicrobial resistance of Escherichia coli and Klebsiella pneumoniae isolated from patients with nosocomial infections
- 小克雷计算机[计] Crayette