- 格拉佛·克里夫兰[美Grover Cleveland [America, 1837-1908]
- 美国克里夫兰艺术博物馆Cleveland Museum of Art USA
- 她决定到克里夫兰去看他。She decided that she should go to Cleveland and see him.
- 克里夫兰表演艺术节及文献Cleveland Performance Art Festival and Archive
- 在美国俄亥俄州的克里夫兰艺术学院Cleveland Institute of Art in Cleveland, Ohio
- 手术将会在本周晚些时候在克里夫兰进行。The surgery will be done in Cleveland later this week.
- 詹姆士?克里夫兰?欧文斯,一个农夫的儿子,黑奴的孙子。James Cleveland Owens was the son of a farmer and the grandson of black slaves.
- 塔曼尼集团的头子克里夫兰先生在早期政治生活中,曾经跟他发生过冲突。The boss of Tammany, with whom Mr Cleveland had at an earlier period in his career "locked horns".
- 克里夫兰---对建仔来说,过去的四天是他本球季历经最长的一段时间了。CLEVELAND - For Chien-Ming Wang, the last four days have been his longest of the season.
- 心理学教授克里夫兰·埃文斯在调查了2000年美国社会保障记录后发现了这个趋势。Psychology professor Cleveland Evans discovered the trend after surveying US social security records for 2000.
- 他的挥击击沉了克里夫兰,今年的4月7日他也是在纽约以再见满贯全垒打败了巴尔的摩金鹰。His shot to sink Cleveland was the All-Star' s second game-winning blast of the young season, having also cracked a walk-off grand slam off Baltimore's Chris Ray on April7 in New York.
- 对克里夫兰,我们带着11分的领先优势进入第四节,这是一个我以为我们可以在客场打败的队伍。The Cleveland game, we had an 11-point lead going into the fourth quarter and that was a team I thought we could have beat on the road.
- 佩恩斯维尔,俄亥俄东北的一个城市,位于克里夫兰的东北,是农业地区的一个商业中心。人口15,699。A city of northeast Ohio northeast of Cleveland. It is a trade center in a farming area. Population,15,699.
- 佩恩斯维尔俄亥俄东北的一个城市,位于克里夫兰的东北,是农业地区的一个商业中心。人口15,699A city of northeast Ohio northeast of Cleveland. It is a trade center in a farming area. Population,15, 699.
- 年的这一天,卡特总统和共和党总统候选人罗纳德里根在克里夫兰进行了长达90分钟的全国直播的电视辩论。President Carter and Republican presidential nominee Ronald Reagan faced off in a nationally broadcast, 90-minute debate in Cleveland.
- ”由于戴维斯有25年的销售经验,一两天后他就接到克里夫兰电信公司打来的电话,过了两个星期他便得到了这份工作。"Within a day or two, Davis received a phone call from the Cleveland telecommunications firm, and within two weeks was hired.
- 克里夫兰人的进攻在整个系列赛都伦为笑柄(人诟病)然而在他们(士队)象还不能在拥有进攻机会时把球丢进伊利湖时,第三和第四场比赛就完全进入了马刺时刻。Cleveland's offense was a joke throughout the series, while the Spurs had their own moments in Games3 and4 when they couldn't seem to throw the ball in Lake Erie.
- 克里夫兰的老板吉伯特说,尽管詹姆斯同乔丹有很多相似点,比如在篮球场上的怪诞想法,23号球衣还有耐克的合同,但是,他的这位明星球员不会是下一个在2003年退役的5次MVP。Cavaliers owner Dan Gilbert said while James has similarities to Jordan-- from uncanny vision on the basketball court to the No.23 jersey and Nike contract-- his star player isn't the next coming of the five-time MVP, who retired as a player in2003.