- 光CVD系统气流模式分析Analysis of Gas Flow Mode in Fhoto-CVD System
- 系统system
- 光light
- 某大学图书馆空调系统气流组织形式分析Analysis of Airflow Pattern of Air-Conditioning System in a University Library
- 隔离行微波等离子体增强型CVD系统After glow Microwave plasma enhanced CVD system
- 气流模式flow pattern
- 光CVD淀积条件对a-Si:H薄膜的影响(英文)Influence of Deposition Conditions on Properties of a-Si:H Prepared by Photo-CVD
- 研究了VUV(真空紫外)光直接光CVD(化学汽相淀积)SiO2/Si界面微结构缺陷与衬底温度(Ts)的关系。Research is made on the effect of substrate temperature(?T??s)on defects of SiO?2/Si interface caused by vacuum ultraviolet (VUV)photochemical vapor deposition (CVD).
- 介绍了真空感应CVI/CVD系统结构、功能。The structure and function of vacuum induction CVI/CVD system is presented.
- 系统的systemic
- 清梳联系统气流的合理配置Rational Configuration of Air Stream of Blowing-carding Unit
- 点模式分析point pattern analysis
- 改建CVD系统制备金刚石薄膜Change a PVD system to a CVD system for making cliamond thin films
- 工作模式分析working pattern analysis
- 系统信息system information
- 地下车库诱导通风系统气流组织研究Study on the Inductive Ventilation System Air Flow Organization in Underground Garages
- 成像模式分析imaging mode analysis
- MWECR CVD系统及BN薄膜生长与特性研究Study on MWECR CVD Deposition Technique and Growth and Properties of BN Films
- 用于SiGe材料生长的新型UHV/UV/CVD系统A Novel UHV/UV/CVD System for Growing SiGe material
- 失稳模式分析slip mode analysis