- 发电generate electricity
- 风力发电wind power generation
- 发电的dynamoelectric
- 光热环境light thermal environment
- 光热资源sunshine and heat resources
- 太阳能发电solar electrical energy generation
- 光热转化photothermal conversion
- 发电设备generating equipment
- 光伏/光热photovoltaic-thennal
- 发电机用于发电。A dynamo is used to generate electricity.
- 洪昭光热Hong Zhao-guang heat
- 光热治疗Light and heat therapy
- 发电系统generating system
- 光热耦合Optic-thermal coupling
- 发电装置generating set
- 光热催化Photothermal-eatalysis
- 垃圾发电garbage power
- 光伏/光热photovohaie - thermal
- 我们可以利用原子核裂变发电。We can generate electric power by splitting atoms.
- 聚光热电联用combined concentrated thermoelectric utiliza tion