- 天然漆一种用作表面涂层的光滑的树脂般的物质,如漆树的分泌物A glossy,resinous material,such as the exudation of the lacquer tree,used as a surface coating.
- 天然漆一种用作表面涂层的光滑的树脂般的物质,如漆树的分泌物。LacquerA glossy, resinous material, such as the exudation of the lacquer tree, used as a surface coating.
- 我喜欢这种料子的光滑质地。I like the smooth texture of this material.
- 漆树sumach
- 玻璃有光滑的表面。Glass has a smooth surface.
- [医] 漆树属Rhus L.
- 这丝绸摸上去柔软光滑。The silk has a soft smooth feel.
- 漆树酸anacardic acid
- 那蜘蛛的黑色身子有如天鹅绒般光滑。The spider has a velvety black body.
- 漆树科toxicodendron
- 丝织品摸起来柔软光滑。Silk feels soft and smooth.
- 漆树蜡sumac wax
- 柔软光滑的头发silken hair
- 漆树漆Rhus lacquer
- 用貂柔软光滑的皮做的上衣。a coat made from the soft lustrous fur of minks.
- 漆树实cashew nut
- 光滑的地板a slippery floor
- 漆树属rhus
- 墙壁是光滑的还是粗糙的?Are the walls rough or smooth?
- 山漆树Rhus delavayi