- 先天性弓形体病的脑部CT表现(附42例分析)CT manifestation of congenital toxoplasmosis infection of the brain (report of 42 cases)
- 先天性心脏病患儿弓形体感染的初步研究Preliminary study of toxoplasma gondii infection in children with congenital heart disease
- 山西省太谷县弓形体感染血清学调查Serological Investigation on Toxoplasma Infection in Tai Gu County of Shah Shi Province
- PCR技术在诊断弓形体感染中的应用研究Study on the Diagnosis of Toxoplasma Infection by PCR Techniqe in Pregnant Women and Chorinonic Villi, Amniotic Fluid and Navel Blood.
- 先天性弓形腿Congenital bowleg
- 先天性弓形足Congenital cavus foot
- 感染infection
- 先天性弓形体病Congenital toxoplasmosis
- 先天性弓形虫病Congenital toxoplasmosis
- 粗体bold
- 应用PCR技术诊断新生儿隐匿型先天性弓形虫病Diagnosis for newborn hidden congenital toxoplasmosis using PCR method
- 奶牛弓形体病的诊治Diagnosis and treat of Cow's Toxoplasmosis
- 先天性弓形虫病筛查的策略和方案述评Discussion about strategy and protocol of congenital toxoplasmosis screening
- 衣原体感染chlamydia infection
- 水貂暴发弓形体病的诊治The treatment of an outbreak of Toxoplasmosis in minks
- 早期、快速诊断新生儿隐匿型先天性弓形虫病,以便尽早实施干预治疗,减少或减轻先天性弓形虫病的后发症状。To diagnosis latent corgenital toxopamm(Tox)with newborn early and rapidly,so as to carry out on early therapy,and reduce of ease the late symptom of the congenital toxopasma .
- 目的探讨解脲支原体感染对精液粘度和液化时间的影响。Objective To study the effect of Ureaplasma urealyticum( UU) infection on semen viscosity, semen liquefied duration.
- 2503名孕妇弓形体血清学检测结果The Serological Test Result of Toxoplasm Infection Status in 2503 Pregnant Women
- 小儿哮喘及肺炎中肺炎支原体、肺炎衣原体感染率的调查Infection rate of mycoplasma pneumonia and chlamydia pneumonia in children with asthma and pneumonia
- 青海改良种绵羊弓形体病的血清学调查Serological Investigation of Toxoplasmosis of Improved Stud Sheep in Qinghai