- 阳光,沙滩,海浪和自然,凡尔纳之旅等着你。Varna a journey to sun, sand, water and nature.
- 儒勒*凡尔纳是一个呆在家里的人。Jules Verne, the man, was a stay-at-home.
- 儒勒·凡尔纳的秘密冒险The Secret Adventures of Jules Verne
- 在这个地球上,很少有地方是作家儒勒*凡尔纳没有去过的。There were very few places in the world that Jules Verne, the writer, did not visit.
- 儒勒在巴黎图书馆花费很长时间研究地质学,物理学和许多其他的学科。Jules spent many hours in Paris libraries studying geology, physics and many other subjects.
- 儒勒在这位长老的敦促下,下定决心向大仲马选定历史题材写小说一样,他要写地理题材的小说。Meaning: Pushed by Dumas, Jules determined to write something about geography as Dumas had written novels in the field of history.
- 儒勒·凡尔纳在巴黎的图书馆里花费大量的时间研究地理、物理和许多其他的科目。Jules spent many hours in Paris libraries studying geography, physics and many other subjects.
- 通过将他所处时代的科学发展向前推进一步,儒勒?凡尔纳奠定了现代科幻小说的基础。By taking scientific developments of his day one step further, Jules Verne laid the foundation of modern science fiction.
- 她给他的同事们打电报说:“绝对没有一个称作儒勒·凡尔纳的群体--只有儒勒”。Meaning: He sent a telegram to his colleagues: "Jules Verne is not a group of scientists. Jules is really the only writer.