- 西风west wind
- 偏振polarize
- 偏位unsymmetric
- 偏斜deflexion
- 跑偏off tracking
- 偏置setover
- 当时正刮着西风。There was a west wind blowing.
- 偏大bigger than normal
- 西风颂。Ode to the West Wind.
- 偏航yawing
- 西风颂Ode to the West Wind
- 偏导数partial derivative
- 西风的呼啸声the moan of the west wind
- 偏小less than normal
- 我踩大油门,西风牌汽车加速爬上了斜坡。I put my foot down and the Zephyr gathered speed up the slope.
- 偏微分方程PDE
- 偏析aliquation
- 偏距setover
- 偏科favor one or some courses(in school) and neglect anther or others