- 我个人则偏好用鼠蹊部的皮,因为这里的皮肤通常愈合情况较好,而且不需植皮。My preference is to use the groin flap, since this usually scars well, and doesn't require the use of skin grafts.
- 常用in common usage
- 她用手抚摸这美丽的丝绸。She fingered the fine silk.
- 可用do
- 不用need not
- 农民过去用手打麦脱粒。Farmers used to thrash their wheat by hand.
- 他用手煽熄烛火。He doused the candle with a flap of his hand.
- 她用手撑着下巴。She rested her chin on her hand.
- 她立在祭坛前用手在胸前画了个十字。She crossed herself as she stood before the altar.
- 小手鼓一种用手敲击的鼓,连结在一起声调和谐的一对中的一个One of a pair of connected tuned drums that are played by beating with the hands.
- 他用手招呼。He beckoned with his hand.
- 他用手拂去桌面上的面包屑。He swept the crumbs off the table with his hand.
- 我想我能用手折断它。I reckon I can break it with my hand.
- 用手拍墙to slap one's hand against the wall
- 她用手抹了一下额头.She passed her hand across her forehead.
- 用手遮住眼睛to shade one's eyes with his hand
- 他游泳时用手拍打水。As he swam, he thrashed the water with his hand.
- 把我的钢笔放下,别用手玩弄!Put down my pen and stop fiddling!
- 他用手估量那个包裹的重量。He weighed the parcel by hand.
- 他用手摸着粗糙的树皮。He felt the rough bark of the tree with his hand.