- 假报户口或者冒用他人户口证件、居民身份证的;Faking a residence registration or assuming another person's residence registration or resident card;
- 以假报出口或者其他欺骗手段,骗取国家出口退税款,数额较大的,处五年以下有期徒刑或者拘役,并处骗取税款一倍以上五倍以下罚金;Using false export reports or other fraudulent means to defraud state export tax refunds involving a relatively large amount shall be punished with imprisonment or criminal detention of less than five years, with a fine of over 100 percent but less than 500 percent of the defrauded tax refund;
- 假suppose
- 假的pseudo
- 快报flash report
- 报应retribution
- 真假true and false
- 报文message
- 报关员declarant
- 假说hypothesis
- 报业newspapering
- 假睫毛false eyelashes
- 报检apply for quarantine inspection
- 这段时间,他不得不请几天假。During the period he had to take several days off.
- 报时give the correct time
- 报盘offer
- 假人dummy
- 报人journalist
- 假面improper face
- 报审report