- "他虽没这造化,倒也是娇生惯养的呢,我姨爹姨娘的宝贝.""She may not have your luck but she's her parents' darling, the apple of their eye. "
- 倒也是,英国人确实是用儿童车推着孩子到处走,一直到他们长得老大老大的。Indeed the English did wheel their children around until they were immense.
- 我们下雨天没出去倒也是好事.It's just as well that we didn't go out in this rain.
- 他是我们的朋友并且也是我们的领袖。He is our friend and likewise our leader.
- 如果读者群里有那么一批打抱不平的愤愤者,倒也罢了。If the readers are the ones who are agitated and disappointed, well, let me say the Nobel Prize is not the World Cup.
- 熟练使用文字的练习对于自然科学的研究也是有帮助的。Some practice in the deft use of words may well be ancillaryto the study of natural science.
- “嗯,嗯,”他说,“看来昏君倒也从圣上那儿学到了速断速决的方法了。"Come, come," said he, "will the Restoration adopt imperial methods so promptly?
- 对于环绕地球运动的卫星来说,面积定律也是不完善的。For satellites circling the earth, the law of areas is also imperfect.
- 每次我去看乔斯大夫,他总是给我一些红的和黄的药片,可它们倒也管用。"When I go to see Dr. Jose, he always gives me red and yellow pills, and they usually do the trick."
- 美国一百七十四年以前的反英革命,也是由于人口太多吗?Was the American Revolution against Britain 174 years ago also due to overpopulation?
- 我的车子本身倒也不贵,可是我得付出多得多的钱来购置各种配套装置和用品。My car itself did not cost much,but I had to pay a lot more for (all) the bibs and bobs.
- 他们敬拜我也是徒然,因为他们将人的吩咐当作教训教导人。But in vain do they worship Me, teaching as teachings the commandments of men.
- 刚才尼曼德对孩子流露出喜爱之情时,格雷厄姆倒也对尼曼德突然产生过好感。Graham suddenly had liked Niemand when Niemand had shown a liking for the boy.
- 而良好的政策不也是一样要求这种行为吗?And can it be that good policy does not equally enjoin it?
- 有这么一个鼓气的人倒也不错。There was no being displeased with such an encourager.
- 把这种缺点看得太严重也是错误的。It would be a mistake to take this objection too seriously.
- 虽然是泥地, 倒也坚硬平坦。The floor was earth but hard and smooth.
- 这也是个比较急迫的问题,总要接触的问题。It is an urgent problem that has to be tackled.
- 现在要是交点好运倒也不错!A little luck wouldn't go amiss right now!
- 她的欢笑、温馨和秋波也是献给他的。Her laughter and fragrance and willful glances were his tribute.