- 调查机关和调查人员对被调查人的商业秘密应当予以保密。The investigatory authority and the members of the investigation group shall keep the commercial secrets of the person under investigation confidential.
- 典当行不需要信用调查,也不会损害当户的信用记录。Pawnbrokers do not make credit checks, and using them does not imperil credit ratings.
- 商业及信用调查Commercial & Credit Investigation
- 顾客的信用调查Investigation of Credit-worthiness of Customers
- 信用调查Credit investigation
- 信用调查录opinion book (商业)
- 信用调查簿[经] information book
- 信用调查部credit department
- 信用消费credit consumption
- 信用调查科credit desk
- 智利的最高立法机关the congress of Chile
- 信用评扳Credit Grade
- 信用调查书opinion book
- 他是立法机关的杰出成员。He was an outstanding member of the legislature.
- 信用失范Lack of Credit
- 信用调查员credit man
- 我们将调查这事。We will enquire into the matter.
- 用暗机关改变或影响To change or affect by means of a gimmick.
- 信用担保机制credit guarantee system
- 商业信用调查credit inquiry