- 信息news
- 级联connection
- 组间间隔-信息级的interblock gap
- 联to ally
- 本文将BI-ICS规范作为朝增强业务信息级上互操作性解决方案迈进的一步进行了介绍。This article has introduced the BI-ICS specification as a step toward a solution for increasing interoperability at the business information level.
- γ级联γ cascade
- 电磁级联簇射electromagnetic cascade shower
- 核级联nuclear cascade
- 反洗级联stripping cascade
- 锥形级联tapered cascade
- 核子级联nucleon cascade
- 级联补偿cascade compensation
- 级联的cascade connected
- 级联电路cascade circuit
- 级联放大cascade amplification
- 级联聚束cascade bunching
- 级联系统cascade system
- 相加级联addition cascade
- 差级联differential concatenation
- 级联积cascade product