- 信仰诚笃的一生.a life of great devotion
- 他开始研究生态学,并决心将他的一生献身于这门科学。He started to study ecology and decided to devote his whole life to the science.
- 从此以后他就把自己的一生献给了劳动人民的解放事业。From that time onwards he devoted his life to the liberation of the working people.
- 他为人诚笃,可以信赖。He's sincere and earnest, and so can be trusted.
- 再我的一生中,我曾经想成为一个哲学家;可是,不知道怎么的,高兴的情绪老是闯了进来。I have tried in my time to be a philosopher; but, I do not know how, cheerfulness is always breaking in.
- 她的一生被不幸的婚姻所毁。Her life was blighted by an unhappy marriage.
- 想起自己坎坷的一生,他不由仰天长叹。He could not but look up to the sky and sigh deeply when his lifetime of frustrations passed through his mind.
- 医师的一生奉献于解除世人的疾苦。A doctor's life is consecrated to the relief of suffering.
- 毁掉某人的一生make a wreck of sb.'s life
- 颠沛流离的一生a stormy life
- 对一个人的一生作出评价的时候A time for taking stock of one's life.
- 我试图如实地评价我自己的一生。I attempted an honest evaluation of my own life.
- 她的一生白壁无瑕。She was immaculate of history.
- 他为全人类的利益献出了自己的一生。He has devoted his whole life to benefiting mankind.
- 安乐的一生a path strewn with roses
- 她的一生充满了艰辛。She had a life fraught with hardship.
- 然而,友谊毕竟是使人的一生健康而有意义所不可缺少的组成部分。Nevertheless, friendship is an essential ingredient in the making of a healthful, rewarding life.
- 美满幸福的一生a lifetime of perfect felicity
- 他受贪婪和懒惰的驱使步入了罪恶的一生。He was tempted into a life of crime by greed and laziness.
- 他的一生为酒这个恶魔所缠扰。The demon of alcohol haunted him his entire life.