- 保险柜里有很多钱.There was lots of money in the safe
- 保险柜里有很多钱。There was lots of money in the safe.
- 你们的中学里有很多表现不好的学生吗?Are there many badly behaved students in your secondary school?
- 这钱包里有很多钱。This purse contains much money.
- 备用现金放在仓库的小保险柜里,只有商店的经理有钥匙。The till is kept in a small safe in the store room and only the shop manager has the key.
- 店主们开始感到处境困难了,因为这些日子来没有人有很多钱买东西。Shopkeepers are beginning to feel the pinch because no one has a lot of money to spend these day.
- 这湖里有很多鱼。The lake is abundant in fish.
- 父亲把他的钱存放在保险柜里。Father keeps his money in a safe.
- 他有很多钱。He has wads of money.
- 这些湖里有很多鱼.Fish teem in these waters.
- 在我办公室保险柜里,有一份你签署的文件。In my office safe there is a piece of paper with your name on it.
- 他有很多钱放着不用。向他借点吧。He has ever so much money lying by. Borrow some.
- 在你的身体里有很多水分。There is a lot of moisture content inside your body.
- 她无法合理的解释为什么锁在保险柜里的钱会不翼而飞。She could find no plausible explanation for the disappearance of the money in the locked safe.
- 你有很多钱吗?Do you have lots of money?
- 餐馆里有很多人。There are quite a few people in the restaurant.
- 没数过的钱在保险柜里The uncounted money is in the safe.
- 你有很多钱,但是你不作更多的工作,除非你把你的衣服登车、上班。You may have plenty of money, but you don't make more unless you put on your work clothes, get in the car, and go to work.
- 星期天邮局里有很多人There are many people in post office on Sunday.
- 匪徒把保险柜里的钱全拿跑了。The robbers made away with all the money in the safe.