- 二零零零年的保费收入总额约644亿元,约占本地生产总值5.1%。Gross premium income in 2000 was %2464.4 billion,representing about 5.1 per cent of Hong Kong's Gross Domestic Product (GDP).
- 按个人保费收入总额计算,宏利目前为菲律宾第四大人寿保险公司。Manulife currently ranks as the fourth largest life insurance company in the Philippines, as measured by total individual premium income.
- 最新的统计数据显示,一九九八年的保费收入总额逾540亿元,约占本地生产总值4.2%。Latest statistics show that gross premium income in 1998 was over %2454 billion,representing about 4.2 per cent of Hong Kong's GDP.
- 今年,上榜的私营企业数量增至89个,营业收入总额达到1.4万亿元。The number of private-owned enterprises in the list rose to 89, with 1.4 Trillion Yuan of business revenue.
- 全年保费收入140.8亿元,比上年增长58.3%。In 2001,the insurance premiums totaled 14.08 billion yuan,up by 58.3 percent over the previous year.
- 总额total (amount or value)
- 收入总额gross revenue
- 其中,财产险保费收入38.2亿元,增长19.7%;Of this total, property insurance premiums were 3.82 billion yuan, up by 19.7 percent;
- 保费收入premium income
- 可支配收入总额total disposable income
- 财产险业务保费收入property insurance premium earnings
- 应课税收入总额total assessable income
- 全家人靠他微薄的收入过活。The whole family lived on his slender earnings.
- 保费收入的经济计量分析Econometrical analysis of insurance premium income
- 他们的收入已进入一个较高的等级段。Their incomes are brought into a higher bracket.
- 利润总额contribution margin
- 人身险保费收入102.7亿元,增长80%。and life insurance premiums, 10.27 billion yuan, up by 80 percent.
- 托尼的花费超出其收入。Tony lives beyond his income.
- 投资总额aggregate investment
- 综合比率代表所有保险成本(发生损失加上费用)占保费收入的比率The combined ratio represents total insurance costs (losses incurred plus expenses) compared to revenue from premiums