- 正确看待用贷款作保证金开立银行承兑汇票问题Issuing Bank Accepted Draft on Loan-funded Margin: from an Objective Point of View
- 银行将向他提供一笔贷款。The bank will accommodate him with a loan.
- 保证金,押金cash deposit as collateral
- 银行贷款给有信誉的顾客。The bank loaned to good customers.
- 过度购买(股票),如果一旦价格下跌,无力增添保证金to buy(stock) on margin in excess of one's ability to provide further security if prices drop
- 三万镑贷款是以那些珠宝作为抵押的。Thirty thousand pounds were given under the gage of the jewels.
- 应急保证金contingency margin
- 全部货款用贷款支付。All purchases shall be financed with the proceeds of loan.
- 所有申请需连同费用扣除银行手续费及保证金一并交回。All orders must be submitted with FULL PAYMENT, exempt from any bank charges, together with required deposit. Orders without remittance will not be accepted.
- 他们贷款收多少利息?How much interest do they charge on loans?
- 本公司将不时通知贵客户合约细则及保证金比率之详情。Details of contract specifications and margin rates will be notified to you from time to time.
- 我们上个月付清了房屋的抵押贷款。We lifted the mortgage on the house last month.
- 他们说他们已付保证金了。They said they had margined up.
- 银行同意你的贷款请求了吗?Has the bank okayed your request for a loan?
- 贷款给镇议会to loan to a town council
- 银行已经答应向你们公司提供信用贷款。The bank has promised to extend your company credit.
- 不偿付贷款default a loan
- 慷慨地贷款给朋友generously accommodate a friend with a loan of money
- 抵押贷款利率Lombard rate
- 学生可于毕业后十年内摊还贷款。It allows students to repay their loans over 10 years after their graduation.