- 日期date
- (三)涉及生物材料样品保藏的专利申请应当在请求书和说明书中写明该生物材料的分类命名(注明拉丁文名称)、保藏该生物材料样品的单位名称、地址、保藏日期和保藏编号;indicating, where the application relates to the deposit of the biological material, in the request and the description the scientific name (with its Latin name) and the title and address of the depositary institution, the date on which the sample of the biological material was deposited and the accession number of the deposit;
- 出生日期date of birth
- 创建日期date created
- 截止日期deadline
- 生产日期date of manufacture
- 交货日期delivery date
- 出厂日期release date
- 日期格式long date format
- 生效日期effective date
- 开始日期date commenced
- 按日期排序sort by date
- 有效日期date of validity
- 完成日期completion date
- 签发日期issuing date
- 成立日期date of establishment
- 付款日期date of payment
- 发布日期date issued
- 终止日期expiry date
- 出版日期publication date