- 保罗Paul
- 保罗喜欢播放很响的摇滚乐。Paul likes playing very loud rock.
- 我决定在回家的路上顺便拜访保罗。I decided to look in on Paul on my way home.
- 保罗以丰富的技巧弹奏了这部奏鸣曲。Paul played the sonata with great finesse.
- 保罗和安娜初次见面就互送秋波。At the first sight Paul and Anna changed eyes.
- 保罗不惜一切代价拯救他儿子生命。Paul gave his ears to save his son's life.
- 保罗先生非常受人尊敬,因为他不轻视任何人。Mr. Paul was highly respected because he slighted no one.
- 对我们来说,保罗打完仗回家的那一天,是个值得纪念的好日子。It was a red letter day for us when Paul came home from the war.
- 保罗是镇上的一位重要人物。Paul is a considerable person in his town.
- 保罗越篱而入。Paul climbed over a fence.
- 保罗靠不动产投资赚了钱。Paul cashed in on his real-estate investments.
- 保罗在哪里?Where is Paul?
- 明晚保罗将和他的对手进行拳击比赛。Paul will box his opponent tomorrow evening.
- 保罗做他们的领袖有多少年只有天知道。Paul was the leader for the Lord knows how many years.
- 保罗在考试中名列前茅。Paul came top in the examination.
- 你应按照保罗吩咐的做。You ought to do as Paul tells you.
- 史蒂文森先生,这位是国际商务公司的代表保罗·史密斯。Mr. Stevenson, this is Paul Smith, a representative of the International Business Company.
- 保罗捕获Paul trap
- 保罗花很多时间与他的朋友交往。Paul spend much time in the society of his friend.
- 请把那个故事读给我和保罗听。Please read Paul and me that story.