- 保罗Paul
- 克鲁cru
- 保罗喜欢播放很响的摇滚乐。Paul likes playing very loud rock.
- 赵国岑教授辨治吸收不良综合征的经验Pro. Zhao's Experience in Differentiating and Treating the Syndromes of Malabsorption
- 圣克鲁斯Santa Cruz
- 我决定在回家的路上顺便拜访保罗。I decided to look in on Paul on my way home.
- 瓷土, 高岑土china clay
- 我女朋友说我跟汤姆克鲁斯长得像极了。My girlfriend said I'm a dead ringer for Tom Cruise. What do you think?
- 保罗以丰富的技巧弹奏了这部奏鸣曲。Paul played the sonata with great finesse.
- 总结容县至岑溪一级公路梧州段绿化实施的情况。In the paper, the author summarizes the execution of greening project for the first grade highway, Wuzhou section, from Rong county to Chenxi county.
- 克鲁斯。Cruise. C-r-u-i-s-e.
- 保罗和安娜初次见面就互送秋波。At the first sight Paul and Anna changed eyes.
- 岑搂sharp and slender tower
- 克鲁克斯真空Crookes vacuum
- 保罗不惜一切代价拯救他儿子生命。Paul gave his ears to save his son's life.
- 岑糖mannotriose
- 克鲁法国的葡萄园或葡萄酒生产区A vineyard or wine-producing region in France.
- 叶广岑Ye Guang-cen
- 保罗先生非常受人尊敬,因为他不轻视任何人。Mr. Paul was highly respected because he slighted no one.
- 鲁滨逊有一个比礼拜五更好的仆人:他的名字叫克鲁索。Robinson has a servant even better than friday: his name is Crusoe.