- 房house
- 租房tenement
- 双人房double room
- 退房check out
- 他们无保留地接受了这个建议。They accepted the proposal without reservation.
- 包房passenger compartment
- 房贷housing loan
- 某些地区仍保留着这一习俗。The custom still obtains in some areas.
- 房车car as a house
- 她毫不保留地告诉我有关这件事的一切。She told me all about it without reserve.
- 同房of the same branch of a family
- 他们无保留地接受了该项计划。They accepted the plan without reservation.
- 房型house type
- 亚利桑那州有许多印第安保留区。There are a lot of Indian reservations in Arizona.
- 二手房second-hand house
- 这所学校应予以保留。This school should be kept in being.
- 经济适用房economically affordable housing
- 先别接受这份工作--暂时保留选择权,到离开这所大学再说。Don't take the job now keep your options open until you leave university.
- 订房book rooms
- 这条街保留了一些旧日的风姿。The street had retained some of its old elegance.