- 保湿盒一种盒子,用于在一个稳定湿度下保存雪茄或其它烟草制品A container designed for storing cigars or other tobacco products at a constant level of humidity.
- 第二:西班牙杉木吸水力强?可以帮忙吸收保湿盒里多馀的湿气。Spanish cedar is very good a absorbing moisture, so they can absorb excess moisture in the humidor.
- 保湿率moisturizing efficiency
- 成份:清纯橄榄精油、银杏精华、红参精华、维他命E、蛋白酶、保湿剂等。Ingredients: pure olive essential oil, gingko essence, misaiya purete, vitamin E, protease, moisturizing factor etc.
- 保温保湿heat and moisture insulating
- 保湿性能moisture retention
- 保湿产品moisturizer
- 嫩白保湿乳The delicate leuco - of plant protects the wet milk
- 保湿时间wetting time
- 保湿、美白,平衡肌肤PH值,改善肤质,均衡皮肤水分和养分。Keeping damp, whitening, Equilibrium of skin and muscle PH value, Improving skin character, Poising skin water and nutrition.
- 丰富的天然保湿因子,深入滋养发芯,修护头发毛鳞片。Enriched natural moisture genes go deep into hair,nourish andrepair the damage hair.
- 清润保湿日霜The pure moistening protects the wet day frost-like powder
- 型男四步保湿Preserve Moisture With Four Steps
- 亮泽保湿摩丝Gloss and keep wet mousse
- 眼唇保湿凝露Sisley EYE and LIP contour Balm
- 吸湿与保湿moisture regain and moisture retainingquality
- 套罩保湿法Hood-covering wet remaining method
- 保湿化妆品Moisturizing cosmetics
- 新鲜植物保湿霜Fresh Plant Moisture Preserving Cream
- 亮透白保湿凝胶White Lucent Brightening moisturizer gel