- 盒small box
- 接线盒junction box
- 机顶盒set-top box
- 保鲜盒crisper
- 一盒a box of ...
- 保温瓶使冷饮保冷,使热饮保温。A vacuum flask keeps cool drinks cool and hot drinks hot.
- 小盒locket
- 冲咖啡并且保温的壶。an urn in which coffee is made and kept hot.
- 化妆盒powder box
- 名片盒cardcase
- 盒装box-packed; case-package
- 糖果盒bonbonniere
- 试剂盒kit
- 存钱盒saving box
- 珠宝盒jewel case
- 火柴盒matchbox
- 收纳盒receiver
- 塑料盒plastic casing
- 颜料盒paint box
- 硬盘盒hard disk cartridge