- 泳衣swimsuit
- 比基尼泳衣bikini
- 研究人员对东京的人口作了一项保守的估计。The researchers made a conservative guess at the population of Tokyo.
- 请保守秘密。Please keep the secret in.
- 他保守的观点使他不受欢迎。His conservative views made him unpopular.
- 海滩上的所有女孩都将其泳衣的上下身进行了混合搭配。Girls at the beach were all mix and matching their swimwear tops and bottoms.
- 她叔父的思想陈旧保守。Her uncle is antiquated in ideas.
- 泳衣及泳裤swimsuit and trunks
- 保守分子反对变革。The conservatives are opposed to any change.
- 参加水中有氧课程学员请于游泳池上课,并著标准泳衣泳帽。Notice for participants of Aqua Aerobics: the classes will be held at swimming pool, please dress standard swimming suits and caps.
- 贿赂某人使保守秘密bribe a man into secrecy
- 吸引人的泳衣seductive swimwear
- 他要求对这件事保守秘密。He asked that the matter should be kept secret.
- 内衣泳衣展Lyon, mode city-The Meeting Place for Lingerie and Beachwear
- 为他人保守秘密to suppress others' secrets
- 泳衣面料swimming suit fabric
- 委员会有一种保守的偏见.The committee is of a/has a conservative bias.
- 三点式泳衣bikini
- 她要我发誓保守秘密。She swore me to secrecy.
- 无上装泳衣topless swimsuit