- 俗气的;破旧的;花哨的.in poor taste; shabby or gaudy
- 目前该区域分布着一些破旧的办公设施和多层、层住宅。Now this area is dotted with some old and rundown office facility and multi-floor and lower houses.
- 添加花哨的功能往往会违反简单性原则,这也是显而易见的。It also stands to reason that adding bells and whistles tends to violate the simplicity principle.
- 随着经济迅速发展,中国在国际舞台上的地位变得愈来愈重要了。With the rapid economical development, China's position on the international stage is getting more and more important.
- 伴随着更年期的内分泌变化使很多妇女的情绪受到影响。A lot of women are affected emotionally by the hormonal changes that accompany the change of life.
- (道德方面)促进,提高,社会进步提高社会,道德和智力标准的努力或运动An effort or a movement to improve social, moral, or intellectual standards.
- 不要告诉经理是怎么把工作搞砸了的,不然他会大发雷霆的!Don't tell the director how you ruined the job, or he'll go through the roof.
- 全面实施以德育为核心、以创新精神和实践能力为重点的素质教育Carry on the quality education centering on moral education and emphasizing creativity and practice
- 让温馨的祝愿、幸福的思念和友好的祝福,在圣诞佳节来到你身边,伴你左右。May the warmest wishes, happy thoughts and friendly greetings come at Christmas and stay with you all the year through.
- 一套俗气的家具a set of tasteless furniture
- 破旧的beat-up
- 一项旨在推出新产品的广告计划;一项候选人的政治计划An advertising campaign for a new product; a candidate's political campaign.
- 俗气的样式a loud pattern
- 装饰带一块装饰花哨的布,搭在马背上并从两侧可触及地面A richly ornamented cloth draped over the back of a horse and touching the ground on both sides.
- 俗气的装饰参见meretricious ornamentation.See Synonyms at gaudy
- 换句话说,工作表需要看上去很漂亮呢,还是没必要用太花哨的格式?In other words, does the worksheet need to look marvelous, or is fancy formatting optional?
- 俗气的装饰meretricious ornamentation.
- 我穿着打补丁的裤子和破旧的皮茄克,和这些衣冠楚楚的人在一起,觉得一点也不自在。In my patched jeans and torn leather jacket I felt like a fish out of water amongst all those elegantly-dressed people.
- 俗里俗气的棕色西装a tasteless brown suit
- 6点钟准时举行鸡尾酒会,随之在8点钟举行正式的晚宴。Cocktails will be served promptly at six to be followed by dinner at eight.