- 侵to invade
- 侵染infect
- 十字军东侵crusade
- 海侵transgression
- 侵晓approaching daybreak; towards dawn
- 朔风凛冽,侵肌入骨。The icy north wind blows and cuts people pitilessly to the very bone.
- 北方海侵boreal transgression
- 白膜侵睛phlyctenular kerato-conjunctivitis
- 陆侵continental transgression
- 斑点侵染spot infection
- 被动侵染passive infection
- 侵人犯规personal foul
- 侵 线Encr oachm ent line
- 海侵幕transgressive episode
- 海侵礁transgressive reef
- 遍发侵染general infection
- 侵染将病原体或疾病传播给To communicate a pathogen or disease to.
- 水侵量water influx
- 侵凌invade and bully
- 海侵超复transgressive overlap