- 侧颜区parafacialia
- 颜(surname)
- 侧边side
- 侧的secund
- 强颜欢笑try to show happyness when one is sad
- 侧板lateral plate
- 厚颜无耻brazen and shameless
- 侧滑sideslip
- 侧唛side mark
- 厚颜无耻的brazen
- 侧目sidelong glance
- 一侧one side
- 养颜强身keep youthfulness and strengthen the body
- 侧壁side wall
- 佩利厚颜无耻地说,他属于靠自己努力而白手起家的那一类人。Paley had the cheek to say that he was one of those who had pulled themselves up by their own bootstraps.
- 上侧upside
- 驻颜preserve youthful looks
- 双侧bilateral
- 亨利自己有车,但几乎每天早晨都搭我的车,真是厚颜无耻。Henry has a car of his own yet he scrounges a lift from me nearly every morning. What a nerve.
- 单侧unilateral