- 使照惯例conventionalize
- 使照象软片暴露在X光下而制作的照片,用于医学诊断。A photograph made by exposing photographic film to X rays,used in medical diagnosis.
- 照photograph
- 使照象软片暴露在X光下而制作的照片;用于医学诊断。a photograph made by exposing photographic film to X rays; used in medical diagnosis.
- 使完善optimize
- 裸照nude
- 早晨清新的空气使我感到十分愉快。The morning fresh air makes me feel quite frisky.
- 照门aperture
- 使出exert
- 合照group photo
- 使丰富enrich
- 新照new photograph
- 能使enable
- 生活照living photo
- 使一致quadrate
- 毕业照graduating photograph
- 伴随着更年期的内分泌变化使很多妇女的情绪受到影响。A lot of women are affected emotionally by the hormonal changes that accompany the change of life.
- 集体照group photo
- 使成为make
- 使印象深刻photograph