- 如果我理解你说的意思,这一项目的花费似乎比我们预计得要多。It seems the project is going to cost more then we thought, if I get the drift of what you're telling us.
- 说persuade (politically)
- 我就按你说的吧。I'll take you at your word.
- 她对你说的话是一派谎言。What she told you was a pack of lies.
- 你说的蠢话使我厌烦。Your foolish talk makes me cringe.
- 你说的有道理。You've got a point there.
- 不要信那个孩子对你说的话,他会把黑的说成白的,只要他认为那对他有利。Don't believe a word that child tells you. He'd swear black was white if he thought it was to his advantage.
- 我只是想对你说的附加一点意见。I only want to add one little rider to what you are saying.
- 我不懂你说的意思。I cannot fathom what you mean.
- 你说的退火是什么意思?What do you mean by anneal?
- 别把刚才跟你说的事忘了。Don't forget what I told you just now.
- 你说的很有意思, 多给我讲些吧.What you say intrigues me; tell me more.
- 你说的一番鼓励的话使我愿意接受这一任务。Your words of encouragement dispose me for the task.
- 你说的纯粹是推测而已。What you say is pure speculation.
- 你说的可是当真的?Are you serious?
- 我不赞成你说的话。I can't approve of what you said.
- 你甜如蜜。情形不如你说的那样糟You are as sweet as sugar. The situation is not so bad as you suggest.
- 你说的很可能是事实。What you say may well be true.
- 我常常想到,上次见到你时你说的话。I often thought about what you said last time I saw you.
- 我在你说的那条街的拐角处停下来让你下车。I'll set you down on the corner of your street.