- 别人爱怎么样就怎么样,不要强求他人,这样总是上策,你说呢?It's always best to take people as you find them, don't you think?
- 说persuade (politically)
- 你说呢, 特拉维斯?What do you think, Travis?
- 呢(question particle)
- 我全神贯注听你说呢!I am all ears to you!
- 天气的确有屯转变,你说呢?It do make a change, do not it?
- 画展值得一看,你说呢?The painting exhibition is worth visiting. Do you agree?
- 你说什么?What did you say?
- 这听起来是个好主意,你说呢?That sounds a good idea, don't you think?
- 七月里这种天算冷的了,你说呢?It's a cold day for July, isn't it?
- 你说呢,曼丽?What say you, Mary?
- 安娜觉得我懒,你说呢?Anna thinks I'm lazy,what do you say(= what is your opinion)?
- 你怎么这么说呢?What makes you say so?
- 顺便问问,日炙你说用什么药呢?By the way, what do you suggest for sunburn?
- 快坐下吧,很多事情要和你说呢。Come and sit down, there is so much to talk about.
- 你怎么有脸那么说呢?How do you have the brass to say that?
- 你说该怎样与别人相处呢?Do you have any idea on how to get along with others?
- 我看这很美,你说呢?I think that's quite pretty,isn't it?
- 你究竟为什麽不这样说呢?Why ever did you not say so?
- 你说得对。我想吃个汉堡。你呢?You're right. I'm going to get a hamburger. How about you?