- 你给我很少的一点钱买食物和另一点家用。You allowed me a trifling sum for food and other domestic expenses.
- 你给我惹了许多麻烦,我要让你知道这一点。You have made plenty of trouble for me and I want you to know it.
- 请你给我指一指去飞机场的路,好吗?Could you please show me the way to the airport?
- 我可以麻烦你给我叫一辆出租汽车吗?May I trouble you to call a taxi for me?
- 你给我推荐一些这儿供游览的风景区好吗?Would you recommend some scenic spots to see here?
- 你给我打电话时,我正在整理书包。I was straightening my schoolbag when you phoned me.
- 我一定要你给我一个直截了当的回答。I must insist on your giving me a straightforward answer.
- 你给我说说怎样才能弥补损失的时间好吗?Can you give me some advice on how to make up for the time I have lost?
- 我离开一会儿,你给我照看一下东西好吗?Will you watch my things while I'm away?
- 你给我打电话的时候我正准备打给你。I was going to call you when you called me.
- 感谢你给我写信并让我解释目前的处境。Thank you for writing and allowing me to clarify the present position.
- "对于你给我的无微不至的关怀,不胜感激"I can not sufficiently express my thanks for your thoughtful kindness
- 我带来了一两件衣服,想请你给我修改一下。I have brought one or two things I want you to fix for me.
- 你给我3角钱,我给你换个专用铺币。You give me 30 cents and I'll exchange it for a token.
- 多谢你给我通报有关那些股票的消息。Thanks for tipping me off about those shares.
- “你给我走开,老巫婆!”(莎士比亚)"Aroint thee, witch!" (Shakespeare)
- 我点的是毛蟹,而你给我的是青蟹。I ordered the hairy crab,but you gave me the green crab.
- 尽管这样,我很感谢你给我的忠告。However, I appreciate your good advice.
- 那好,罗伯特,我就让你给我捡起来。All right. Robert, suppose you pick it up.
- 那时你给我读圣经中的雅歌,记得吗?How you used to read me the Song of Songs, remember?