- 你知道不强肠.You know that Im not that strong.
- 成功无秘密可言。成功是做你知道该去做的事,而不是做你知道不该做的事。There are no secrets of success. Success is doing the things you know you should do. Success is not doing the things you know you should not do.
- 知道be aware of
- 你知道不知道这个成语是怎样产生的?Do you know how the phrase come about?
- 不知道be insensible of
- R2!你知道不该相信别人电脑小心!Artoo-Detoo, you know better than to trust a strange computer. Ouch!
- 你知道不知道倭瓜和南瓜有时用来喂牲口?and do you know pumpkins and squash are sometimes fed to cattle?
- 你知道为什么印度尼西亚的羽毛球会这样强吗?Do you know why badminton is so strong in Indonesia?
- 你知道不知道这机器怎么开?Do you know how to work this machine?
- 你知道那哭着的孩子什么地方不舒服吗?Do you know what ails that crying child?
- 你知道不知道门为什麽锁上了?Do you know why the door is locked
- 除非自己有亲身经历,否则你不会知道不能外出的人是多么难受。You don't know how uncomfortable it is to be a shut-in unless you have been one before.
- 你知道为什么布朗先生心情不愉快吗?Do you know why Mr Brown has a heavy heart?
- 你应该知道不和他这样的人交朋友。You ought to know better than to make friends with him.
- 那是恶意中伤。你知道那不是真的。That was a cheap shot. You know it isn't true.
- 你应该知道不该玩这么危险的游戏。You should have known better than playing such a dangerous game.
- 你知道吗?比尔因考试不及格被学校开除了。Do you know that Bill got flung out of college for failing his exam?
- 你该知道不能告诉他我们的决定的。You should know better than to tell him about our decision.
- 你已经长大了,应该知道不能偷窃。You are old enough to know better than to steal.
- 与其以后让你知道,不如现在就让你知道。I'd rather you knew that now, than afterwards.